Services – SMSF Loans

SMSF Loans

A SMSF is a trust structure used to hold and manage superannuation funds, most typically set up with two members being husband and wife, although you can have up to four members. All members must be trustees (or directors, if there is a corporate trustee) and are responsible for all the decision making and fund compliance. When buying property though a SMSF you must comply with the following rules:

Must meet the ‘sole purpose test’ of solely providing retirement benefits to fund members


Must not be acquired from a related party of a member


Must not be lived in by a fund member or any fund members’ related parties


Must not be rented by a fund member or any fund members’ related parties

There is an exclusion to the above in that if you are a business owner you can buy the premises inside with your SMSF and pay rent directly to your SMSF as long as it is at market rates.

Borrowing to purchase property inside your SMSF must be done using a “limited recourse borrowing arrangement” (LRBA). A LRBA is a bare trust structure that holds the property and the loan so that the lender only has recourse to the property in the SMSF that the loan is attached to and not the other assets held in the SMSF such as shares, bonds and cash. The bare trust holds legal title of the property until the loan is repaid in full and discharged, when this occurs, legal title of the property is transferred to the SMSF.

Due to the complexity involved with LRBA’s and the fact that the lender has limited recourse, it should be noted that the lender is far more stringent with their due diligence and the amount of paperwork required is significantly more than your typical home loan.

You will require a qualified financial planner or certified SMSF accountant to help you set up the entities and structure correctly, and you will also require an experienced SMSF mortgage broker, such as ourselves to assist you in finding the right lender at the lowest rate, because once you have the loan in place, it is costly to refinance to another lender.

    To speak to our experienced SMSF mortgage brokers for free, call 02 9934 9735 or